Finding Freedom:
A Coach's Story of Faith and Renewal

For years, I navigated life as a people-pleaser, striving for perfection and external validation. This relentless pursuit led to burnout and a growing distance from God. Yet, amidst the chaos, a pivotal moment arrived in 2019. Through forgiveness and releasing past hurts, I discovered a profound peace, transforming my understanding of love. God’s unconditional love enveloped me, inspiring me to share my journey through my blog, “One Day at a Time,” where I poured out my heart in words and music.

A new chapter unfolded in 2023 when I answered God’s call to leave my accounting career behind. Embracing a life dedicated to guiding others, I became a certified Christian life coach. My book, Where Faith Takes Flight, encapsulates this transformative journey, sharing my personal experiences and offering hope and inspiration to others.

Today, I’m passionate about empowering women to break free from self-doubt and discover their God-given purpose. With a heart full of faith and a spirit of encouragement, I help women embrace their identity as beloved children of God. Music, writing, and spending time in nature are my sources of inspiration and renewal. Whether I’m playing the piano or guitar, composing songs, hiking through the mountains, or strolling along the beach, I find solace and connection with my Creator.

Let’s journey together toward a life filled with purpose, joy, and unwavering faith.

Philippians 4:13 NKJV — I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.